Redhead Design Studio

Rosie Tulgetske

Design Director

From a young age, creativity was my therapeutic outlet. I still remember discovering the joy and satisfaction that came about from turning the blank page of a sketchbook into something beautiful. Those early experiences formed who I am and how I interpret the world around me.

In high school, I was fortunate enough to experiment with a range of mediums from metals to painting to experimental film photography. I took advantage of every art class I could; I just couldn’t get enough. Seriously — I was awarded the Art Key at senior graduation, and when they presented me with the award, they said I was the student that was enrolled in the most art classes. Frankly, it was all out of curiosity and I wasn’t even considering a career path until I took a Digital Arts class. That was the first type of creative work I could envision doing for someone other than myself. I went on to pursue a degree in graphic design and the rest is history.

To me, the most important qualities to bring to the design process are empathy and curiosity. Powerful design speaks directly to the heart of the audience. I'm an avid believer in being genuine, which I think is part of the reason I was drawn to Redhead. As an artist and designer, I feel I have a responsibility to use this form of communication to further the greater good. And here at Redhead, I get to do that.

Outside of Redhead, I love studying folk herbalism and native plants, throwing pottery on a wheel, camping, reading, and cooking at home.

Rosie Tulgetske