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City of Charlotte

Brand Development
Billboard featuring a summer concert series with the Charlotte brand

Revitalizing a close-knit city’s brand with timeless visuals and a future-focused framework.

Man in sports cap featuring the Charlotte icon
Social media post about Pig Palooza
Poster encouraging folks to spend their Sunday afternoon in Charlotte
Streetlight signage featuring the Charlotte brand
A custom brand for a nuanced city

After undergoing significant revitalization and redevelopment, Charlotte, Michigan needed a brand that reflected its charm and growth. We began with research — including focus groups, a SWOT analysis, and “secret shopper” visits — to capture the city’s nuanced identity. 

We developed a versatile brand system with sub-brands for different city entities and applications, from City Hall offices to Charlotte’s annual “Pig Palooza” event. Rustic, timeless visuals reflected the city’s strong, rural past while acknowledging future reinvigoration. Simple and inviting language in Charlotte’s brand platform established a tone that was optimistic and down-to-earth, representing the city’s “small-town on the rise” persona.

Person viewing the Charlotte brand book
Billboard promoting celebration in Charlotte

sub-brands that align within the Charlotte mark.


stakeholders engaged in visioning sessions to develop a SWOT analysis.