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Ingham County Health Department: This Is Life With HIV

Campaign Development
Billboard of person living with HIV with Spanish text

Reducing the stigma associated with HIV through a campaign focused on autonomy and empowerment.

Stacks of brochures with a father and son on the cover
Billboard of person living with HIV with Arabic text
Campaign sticker that reads, "Confident. Loved. Resilient."
Person viewing the campaign website on a smartphone
Amplifying real voices

To reduce stigma around HIV and encourage people to get tested, Ingham County Health Department (ICHD) partnered with Redhead to develop a public awareness campaign. Extensive research, including focus groups and first-person interviews, inspired “This Is Life With HIV”: a campaign showcasing that people living with HIV are people first, and that life with HIV can remain vibrant. 

Custom photography of local individuals living with HIV and their stories informed website content and design, billboards, booklets, social posts, and guerrilla marketing tactics. The campaign emphasized accessibility and support, empowering the community to prioritize testing and treatment.

Awards: Bronze Addy, Online/Interactive Websites and Microsites (2020); Communicator Award (2021)
Campaign brochure
Person viewing the campaign website on a laptop

weekly impressions across 10 billboards.


one-on-one interviews with people living with HIV to gather stories and perspectives.