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Bellwether Public Relations

Brand Development
Image of Bellwether sign.

A modern visual brand and voice that balances a legacy of professionalism with an emphasis on constant evolution.

Image of Bellwether informational brochure.
Man wearing branded Bellwether jacket.
Bellwether branded travel mug.
Set of Bellwether branded business cards and letterhead.
An air of professionalism

Bellwether Public Relations (formerly Martin Waymire) is a full-service public relations firm that combines media relations, marketing, and strategy. Guided by opinions and data from numerous stakeholder interviews, we developed a new visual brand and voice that more effectively expressed the agency’s current persona, rather than its past identity. 

The Bellwether logo utilizes strategic typographic and color elements to reflect the agency’s juxtaposition of old-school professionalism and consistent innovation. Its brand platform outlines details such as its name origin story, positioning elements, and tagline: “Inform. Influence. Inspire.” Together, these elements situate Bellwether for decades of growth. 

Awards: Bronze Addy, Logo Design (2025)
Image of Bellwether presentation being shown on a laptop screen.
Bellwether social media page shown on mobile phone.