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Mind the edges

I know you’ve seen it before. A beautifully mown lawn — expansive, crisp back and forth lines. Except, the edges are a mess. That little slice next to the curb that you can’t quite get with the mower?
Mind the edges

I know you’ve seen it before. A beautifully mown lawn — expansive, crisp back and forth lines. 

Except, the edges are a mess. That little slice next to the curb that you can’t quite get with the mower? It’s three inches taller than the rest, maybe even eight or twelve if there are a few enthusiastic native species in the mix.

The truth of the matter is, no matter how crisp the bulk of the lawn looks, messy edges leave an impression. A not-quite-finished, slightly uncared for impression. An impression that almost entirely negates the effort that went into mowing. 

Looking to make sure your brand is on point? Mind the edges.